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Bradley Saul Piano Tuner Technician

Name: Bradley Saul Piano Tuner Technician
Location: Maryborough
Australia 3465
Contact: Send Bradley Saul Piano Tuner Technician a message
Additional Info: Bradley Saul is a qualified piano tuner located in the heart of the Central Goldfeilds Area. Attaining his qualification at the Australian School of Piano Technology, Bradley is also an ARPT Member of the Piano Tuners & Technicians Guild of Victoria.
Fees: For a quote, please call 0408 325 089. For the best possible quote, please provide details about your piano before you call. Items such as when the last time your piano was tuned? The make or modal of your piano? Where your located? Whats wrong with the piano at ths current time? Normally a Piano Service (which may include Tuning, Repairs, Regulation or Voicing) is roughly around $190.00.
Specialisms: Piano Tuning, Piano Repairs
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